Sept. 17, 2024

Samantha: 9/11 and Post Traumatic Growth & Resilience | 106

Samantha: 9/11 and Post Traumatic Growth & Resilience | 106

On this episode of Sad Times, we speak with Samantha. During this episode, we discuss Samantha’s experience during the attacks of 9/11. She was working in lower Manhattan, right next to the twin towers. We also discuss the PTSD she felt after this horrific experience, her building her Silver Linings Mental Health business, and the amazing work she continues to do help others who have gone through traumatic experiences. Please join us!

Please note: This episode contains explicit descriptions of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and discussion of an eating disorder. Please take care while listening.

Silver Linings Mental Health website:

Silver Linings Institute:

Link to Transtheoretical Change Model:

Website for Posttraumatic Growth Resource Center:

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Editorial note: Sad Times is committed to sharing various stories from generous guests. The hope is to allow any number of stories to be shared to help people feel less alone and, perhaps, more empathetic. It is important to clarify that the guests’ stories, perspectives, and sentiments do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of Sad Times in any way. Please note that Sad Times is in no way a substitute for medical or professional mental health support.