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Informative show
Informative show on the need to destigmatize mental health illness. This show is such an invaluable contribution to educate, inform and inspire.
This show is amazing
Kevin and his guests are honest and hit subjects that too many people put under the rug. Thank you.
Amazing interviewer
Kevin does one thing very well - allowing the story being told and the person behind it to shine. He gets out of the way of the guest but never leaves them alone. He maintains an incredible balance of host as interviewer and host as listener.
Of the Essence
Amid the sea of podcasts full of people just talking, the stripped-down approach at work in SAD TIMES is never heavy-handed or intentionally guided by the pain of others. It’s just thoughtfully engaging conversation. Where it goes—sometimes a tragedy and sometimes a detasseling commiseration—follows the lead of the guest each week. For the most part, Kevin follows, and as a host, he is a mindful listener, full of conversational wit and anecdotal riffage. We’re just hangin out here, ya see. The only real agenda, if there is one at all, is to be open. And that’s pretty great, to say the least….
Diving into the Uncomfortable in a Comfortable Way
Kevin’s hosting on Sad Times is an extraordinary demonstration of empathy and comfort. The guests are able to share freely and the conversation is loose. So many of these types of podcasts get stilted because the host struggles with a particular topic. Kevin has taken on numerous areas of mental health from addiction to grief and handled them with joy and reverence. Also, it’s funny. It finds the time to not take everything too seriously, and I think that’s needed in these conversations.
A universal experience
This podcast is incredible. The experience of people vulnerably sharing their struggles is touching and relatable. You will find echoes of yourself in every guest, which is a crucial reminder of our shared humanity, which we so often forget in the Information Age.
Love the Show
Been a follower for a while. Kevin does a great job on this show listening and asking the important questions. Feels organic and I think Kevin missed his calling as a therapist. Keep up the Great work.
I've never heard a podcast like this! I am really enjoying listening each week as I find that I can relate to something in every episode. Please continue to create episodes and inspire others.
Therapeutic and Honest!
What a breathe of fresh air to hear people being open, and airing out their issues in an effort to heal others. Listening to other people's experiences and coping mechanisms really puts some of my own personal issues in perspective and helps to think outside my own head.
Thank you
I really appreciate what you guys are doing here. Each episode helps me in some way. I hope you continue to make more. Thank you.
The Break Approved
Sometimes you get sad. Listening to tire show isn’t one of those times.
Great sad podcast
A great podcast about being sad. Kevin does a great job of getting into what makes people sad with out being sappy or trite, just real.
Genre-defining Podcast Greatness
The experience of coping is both highly subjective and entirely universal, and Sad Times carefully and conscientiously delves into these trying experiences to the mutual benefit of all involved and listening alike. This is a show for which the very notion of podcasts was created.
Open Space
Kevin has established a safe place for his guest and listeners to release feelings, that often times are hidden. There is no judgment but a since of community established, hats off KCrisp.
Thankful for this podcast
Such honesty and extremely therapeutic. As a guest and as a listener, it’s very welcoming and a safe space in a time when we all need it the most.
Great Show
Kevin does a great job of letting the guest talk about their story.
Sadness to make you happy
Many of us are sad and get sad. The loneliness of the sadness feels less...lonely with this show. I absolutely love it.
Being real is so hard in this world. We are often forced to put on a smiling face when we don’t feel like it. Thank you Kevin for being real. I have listened to the first podcast and watched your YouTube videos. What you are doing is helping me heal
Much Needed
Really enjoying the honesty and openess of this show. Nice to see people who struggle just having a conversation about it and not trying to fix everythjing, just working to get better!