Reneé Rodriguez

Reneé Rodriguez Profile Photo


Hello Kevin,

I’d love to have a conversation with you and possibly bring something to your audience! I’ve been told what I do is unique–I help protective mothers in a custody battle against a narcissistic co-parent to go into family court and get the custody arrangement that's best for their kids. Like me, these women have suffered psychological abuse at the hands of their former partners and are working to ensure their children are protected from further cruelty.

My company, Best Foot Forward, has been around for over 5 years. It’s an example of a number of things: changing careers mid-life, pulling myself up after trauma, doing it all as a single mom, and bringing a sense of adventure and a sense of humor to it all…even a heavy subject like what I immerse myself in every day! And that’s what I do–follow a business model focused on empowering parents to help themselves and find a shining bright light at the end of a long, dark tunnel.

My turning point was during my custody battle for my son, after leaving a relationship rife with mental abuse. As a daughter of a Puerto Rican father whose family sought a better life on the mainland when he was 12 and a mother who only later pursued her GED, education and hard work was impressed upon me. I was the first to graduate from college, the perfect Catholic student, who ended up having a child with a cruel, covert narcissist (diagnosed). I had been a performance coach for a couple decades, and switched my career to help other women succeed in dealing with their narcissistic nightmares.

Now I’m focused on creating reverberating change in the new field of “divorce coaching”, as a custody consultant, Violence Against Women (VAW) Advocate, and a certified instructional designer…melding it all together to allow abused parents to find self-empowerment again.

The Custody BlueprintTM (TCB) exists to prepare protective parents for court through Strategy, Mindset and Evidence and using truth and virtue even in the face of lies and manipulation. I find that moms are dependent on their lawyers to save them, and they have no real sense of how best to present their evidence in court. What really sets my blueprint apart is focusing on the mindset of dealing with a high-conflict co-parent--both in a custody battle AND as a mom trying to co-parent with a damaged individual. The shame, the guilt, the helplessness...we address that through my TCB program.

I do not have a podcast. I admire those who do but it's not what I'm meant to do! But if I were a guest, I would help promote your podcast for sure, and not just right after my episode airs, but all episodes relevant to my audience. I would put both an announcement and then, once ready, a link to the episode on my Facebook, Instagram, Threads and LinkedIn pages, and would send to my email list as well.

Also FYI: I have a yeti mic as well as a good lavaliere mic, and a headset/mic.

Here is some more info about me:
I very much hope to hear from you!
Be well,