Nikki Nicholas

Nikki Nicholas Profile Photo

Life Transformation Coach | Mental & Emotional Wellness Expert

(This is a mix of my bio, along with some info on why I think I'd be a great guest for your show!)

One of my favorite things to do is to have conversations about mental health, along with helping people to better understand why they're struggling with their own mental health issues, and how to get past them.

I'm a life coach & a mental & emotional wellness expert who's been studying the subconscious mind since 2007. I use modalities such as neuro linguistic programming, hypnotherapy, mindfulness, meditation, and RMT life coaching to help people both understand their consciousness better, and learn techniques to release the pent-up trauma that's been causing their mental health issues to perpetuate.

I've also been through my own mental health challenges, battling depression, panic attacks, and even just "simple" issues like having fears of "being seen", fear of judgement from others, feelings of inadequacy, etc. When you look at every mental / emotional challenge we all face from a subconscious standpoint, everything is structured the same, and everything can be gotten past in the same way. Processing out the subconscious parts of us that are holding these problems in place is the key. I love to walk people through how to go about this.

If you'll have me, I'd love to come on your podcast and explain all of this further!

Here's a link to my profile: