Elliot Schulz

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A fellow former Monticello scholastic bowl veteran that was living an unremarkable, but happy life, until 2017. My wife of 5 years and partner of 12 years was diagnosed with late stage cancer and over the course of 14 months went through all the ups and downs that entails until her death in 2018.

Happy to talk through the good, bad, ugly, and slightly absurd things that this entails, and how keeping a journal got me through a lot of the really bad times.

Aug. 29, 2023

The Trauma of a Stage Four Cancer Diagnosis: Elliot’s story of his wi…

One of the more common known phrases in the Western World is “In sickness and in health”. While many of us vow to honor these words, it is not often something that is encountered early in life. Please join us …

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