Season 3

March 26, 2024

Bre: “High Control” Religious Groups, how they split families, and Ho…

Join us today as we speak with Bre about being raised in a “high control” Christian Group, how it affected her family, and how she has found community and recovered since leaving the church. Bre’s website: https://brehamilton...

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March 19, 2024

Renee: Fighting for Custody: Renee on her Custody Blueprint, preparin…

When a relationship ends and children are involved, the next steps can seem overwhelming. Join us today as we speak with Renee about the template for custody battles she created, what people often don’t know about judicial cu...

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Jan. 9, 2024

Searching for Connection and Finding Addiction: Jason on his traumati…

Almost everyone of us has traumatic instances in our childhood. As we grow older, these take root in various ways — some obvious, some not. Join us today as we have the host of “My Madness METHod” as we discuss his childhood,...

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Aug. 8, 2023

The Power of Family: Whitney discusses her troubled father, the relat…

For many generations, discussing internal family strife was akin to “airing dirty laundry” — it was something that was simply not done. So it was with Whitney and her family. However, in the ensuing years, Whitney has gained ...

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Aug. 1, 2023

Substance Abuse Survival: Scott’s story of dealing with addiction, th…

Addiction and a racing mind tend to go hand in hand. As addiction strengthens, it is often far more pernicious than once believed. Join us as we talk with film actor Scott Schiaffo (Clerks, Vulgar) about his harrowing tales o...

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July 25, 2023

The Beauty of Authentic Empowerment: Nicole shares stories of her car…

We all experience trauma as children. Whether we know it or not, we also bring that trauma into our adult relationships and interactions. Join us today as we speak with renowned mental health professional Nicole about her car...

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July 18, 2023

Finding Home In Family: Bonnie on what it’s like to grow up as a “Thi…

For most of us, responding to an inquiry of where we are from is an easy answer. Even if we have to move around within that country, we always are able to point to where our roots are laid down. This has not always been the c...

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July 11, 2023

The Continuing Artistic Journey: Melissa shares her experience of pur…

Art is legitimate work. That being said, the conversations we often have around art and careers seek to exclude the artist from the society that they help enrich. Join us today as we speak with Melissa about her theatrical ca...

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July 4, 2023

Postpartum Depression Among The Unspoken Expectations Of Society: Mar…

Postpartum depression and anxiety is something that afflicts millions of women each year, yet it still seems to be too often experienced alone. Please join us as we speak with Marina about her own struggles with Postpartum de...

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June 27, 2023

Becoming The Person You Are Meant To Be: Bill on his experience with …

No matter where we find ourselves in life, it is a good bet we have at least a handful of artists to which we turn for support, comfort, and guidance. Join us today as we speak with Bill about his experiencing coming out as a...

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June 20, 2023

Overcoming severe Childhood traumas: Bobette discusses her extremely …

Growing up in the 1960s and 1970s, people were encouraged to keep their familial trauma within the walls of their homes. Even with severe trauma, people far too often felt alone in their suffering. Please join us today as Bob...

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June 13, 2023

Unhealthy Mental Health Manifestations: Kaet discusses the release of…

Anxiety and depression and their effects show up in many different forms. Millions of Americans have struggled at some point with an eating disorder as well as unhealthy coping mechanisms like cutting. Join us today as we tal...

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June 6, 2023

Life’s unexpected challenges: Sarah shares her story of a quickly esc…

Losing a parent as a child is an extremely traumatic event. Families work to cobble together each day and lean on each other in ways unexpected. Years later, after Sarah became a parent herself, she dealt with an extremely te...

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