July 12, 2023

A Statement On World Mental Health Day

Happy World Mental Health Day!

We would like to thank each and everyone of you for paying attention today to the trials and travails of your fellow human.

Now that we have our own day, we would be remiss if we did not take the more than ample amount of time to use this pedestal of notoriety for the betterment of our fellow travelers. 

Therefore, we have put out the below statement. Though we are nervous to do so. For reasons you can likely guess. We’re nervous people. We tend to over explain ourselves. What can we say? A lot of us love to talk because it means we are likely having human connection. Which, for a lot of us, is rare. How rare you ask? Alright, you and I both know you didn’t ask that. Shit! It’s already after 2 PM on our Day! Alright, then. To the statement. Well, one more thing. We are greatly sorry we took up so much time ahead of the statement. We understand that time is precious and we just need to move on. We do understand that. We promise. Just don’t — please don’t be mad at us. We’re trying, we promise. Anyhow. The statement. 

The Statement From the Troubled Masses On the Joyous Occassion of World Mental Health Day

Look, we’re fucked up. It’s all a bunch of shit going on in these heads. Sure, there are advancements in medicine — the pills you encourage us to take so you can stand to be around us. OK, OK, you’re right. That was self deprecating! They also keep us from killing ourselves. (Not to get political, but The Right would have you believe that these same pills that help us from killing ourselves or make us a bit easier to spend time with are actually the pills that lead to mass killings. Not the guns, but these pills. See why I didn’t want to get political? Some political shit is incoherent, cruel and wrong headed. Maybe politics needs these pills.)

There are more people than ever who are reaching out to Mental Health professionals. We don’t have the stats in front of us, but we wish we did. However, to look into that would certainly send us down some sort of rabbit hole that would terminate in some place that even a Cheshire Cat would avoid. 

Just safe to say: More people are saying they’re fucked up and we couldn’t be more pleased!

We would like to take the remainder of our time to thank you for giving us this huge amount of time to acknowledge our daily struggles. Daily not being a pun on the Mental Health Day. Certainly not. We are just so appreciative. Now that we have this day of awareness, we are pleased to say no further intervention is needed and you can go back to whatever it was you were doing.

Signed (nervously, angrily, trepidatiously, full of all the synonyms of dread, etc et al),

The Troubled Masses